welcome to my carrd

about me

name: kaylee
age: 26 (birthday is september 14)
pronouns: she/they
sexuality: unlabeled and demisexual
i have a boyfriend and love him lots (4/10/2023).

stan list

foolish | waxfraud | gumi | sam
tina | ant | sylvee | hannah
karl jacobs | quackity


i will NOT follow back anyone under 18 because i am not comfortable with doing so (other than who i already follow). if you do follow me and you are under 18 or do not have your age in bio/location, be aware i will not follow back.
i do follow a lot of artists so i retweet a lot of art. i do post some suggestive photos and i try my best to tag anything that needs tagged. i also interact with nsfw content.


-basic dni/dnf critera (don't be racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.)
-if you don't support neo pronouns
-if you are a minor (ONLY on suggestive/nsfw posts)
-if you support any abuser of any kind. their names don't deserve to be spoken.

icon key

house - home page | brush - art credit